miércoles, 6 de marzo de 2019



Resultado de imagen para 5 grade

Resultado de imagen para what are idioms

For Example: 

1. a piece of cake ------- very easy 

2. break your leg ------ good luck!

3. it's raining cats and dogs -------- a storm 

4. think outside the box  ----- imagen 

5. eyes back of my head ----- I am looking to you 

6. you got your head in the clouds ----- no pay attention

7. give a hand ---- help 

8. hit the head ---- go to the bathroom

Look at the video

Your Task 
Post a comment, write 4 sentences using idioms. 


domingo, 3 de marzo de 2019

Overcoming Obstacles

Overcoming Obstacles in Life 

Resultado de imagen para 5 GRADE +

Look at the video

Look at the video 

Listen to the song 

You are an overcomer 


Post a comment, give an opinion:

According to the videos, or ask you mother/father. Why is important to overcome obstacles and face them?

Have you overcome an obstacle in your life? talk about it. 

Resultado de imagen para write

We will talk about it in class!
See you tomorrow!

@Mr. Nuñez2019