jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

Metamorphosis - Butterfly and Grasshopper

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Today we learned about the Metamorphosis process, let's have a look to these examples: 

1. Butterfly
Resultado de imagen para metamorphosis png

Resultado de imagen para watch the video

2. Grasshoper 

Resultado de imagen para metamorphosis of grasshopper

Resultado de imagen para watch the video

Think about it:

What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis? You can post your answer in a comment, using English. We will discuss it in class too. 

@Mr. Nuñez2018

19 comentarios:

  1. That is so good with the eggs come to a larva and a pupa to a butterfly.

  2. I feel like the metamorphosis are so good for all the animals.
    Just like the grasshoppers and butterflies, but the bad thing is that the grasshoppers only go through three stages wich is named incomplete metamorphosis and butterflies go through four stages wich is named complete metamorphosis

    1. DINO SALOMON VILLATORO: the different of a complete and an incomplete is the complete has 4 parts and an incomplete have 3 parts.

    2. Jessy Figueroa I think that the defference is that a complete matamorphosis has 4 stages (egg,larva,pupa and adult) and a incomplete metamorphosis is that only has 3 stages (egg,nymph and adult) for example butterflies are complete matamorphosis and grasshoper are incomplete metamorphosis

    3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

    4. Diego Alexander I think that difference is the complete metamorposis has 4 and incomplete metamorphosis has
      only 3

  3. Hello! i'm Isabella.
    The diference is that the incomplete metamorphosis is that it only has 3 stages(egg,nymph, adult) EXAMPLES: termites,grasshoper
    and the complete metamorphosis it has 4 stages (egg, larva,pupa,adult)
    EXAMPLES: butterfly


  4. DINO SALOMON VILLATORO: the 4 parts of a complete metamorphosis are: egg,larva,pupa,adult
    the 3 parts of a incomplete metamorphosis: egg,nymph,adult

  5. Cesar Diaz
    The complete metamorphosis,from the egg a larva is born
    And the incomplete metamorphosis, from the egg is born a nymph that looks like an adult

  6. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  7. Carlosturcios
    Complete is a total change
    Incompleta dont change at dont change atlol

  8. Carlosturcios
    Complete is a total change
    Incompleta dont change at dont change atlol

  9. Nahomi Fuentes
    The difference of complete and Incomplete that complete are 4 steps that are egg,larva,pulpa,adult this are the butterfly metamorphosis and de grasshoper metamorphosis only have 3 steps and are egg,nymph,adult this are grasshoper metamorphosis

  10. Fernando AVILA

    The different between complete and incomplete metamorphosis is That the complete metamorphosis has different trasformation, why? Because it pass by this stages: 1 Egg 2 Larva 3 Pupa.
    Incomplete metamorphosis pass by this stages: 1 Egg 2 Nymph 3 adultos Grasshoper.

  11. Hello,I think in my opinión that are very differebt,because the complete metamorphosis have a larva and incomplete dont have,go in step in step

  12. Hi Valentina Padilla here
    I think the answer is that complete metamorphosis has 4 stages (egg,larva,pupa and adult) and incomplete metamorphosis only has 3 (egg,nymph and adult)BYEE!

  13. Hello Class!

    Well done! You are right, Complete metamorphosis is a total change or transformation that is developed in 4 different stages (egg, larva, pupa and adult)As we could see in the Example of the butterfly. In the other hand, incomplete metamorphosis has 3 stages that show that the anminal (grasshoper) looks like an adult during rymph but the process is not completed yet. In other words characteristics are shown in a step by step transformation.

  14. Hector Ordoñez,my opinion is that they are 2 types of matamorphosis:complete and incomplete.
