domingo, 11 de noviembre de 2018

Action and Linking Verbs

Resultado de imagen para verbs png

Action and Linking VerbsResultado de imagen para 5 grade png

Imagen relacionada

Post your comment: 

1. Which of the two following options have action verbs? A or B?

A. They danced very well and won         the competition. 
B. He will be good, he is getting            better. 

2. What is the difference between action and linking verbs?

You can use the verbs above for your flashcards.

For Example: 

@Mr. Nuñez2018

12 comentarios:

  1. The difference is that one of them preformed an action
    And the linking verb Links or Joins the subject to a word or the predicate.

  2. i think that the difference is that the action verbs like the naim said performed an action and the linking verbs joins the subject to the predicate. i am jessy

  3. and mister i can not do the homework because my printer does not works, please let me give you the homework another thay, thnk you

  4. 1.
    Letter A
    I think, the difference between the action and the linking verb is that the action verbs perfome an action. I mean, for example on movement.
    And a linking verb is something that joins the subjesct and the predicate in a sentece. FOR EXAMPLE
    Had a good day!
    - Isabella Flores

  5. Good Job!
    We will be talking more about Action and Linking Verb during this week!

  6. The difference is that verb links is the joins the subject to the predicate
    And action verbs , shows action

  7. Buen Dia Mr.
    2.A verb in action shows action and a verb liking show the state of being.
    Sergio Galel Sanchez

  8. Thank you!

    You have the right answers!

  9. Valentina Padilla
    the list of verbs you are going to ask one by one?

  10. Mr.Nuñez are you going to ask the verbs in the classroom to all of us?
